Monday, December 04, 2006

Something to be excited about

I'm pumped about how well our recording sessions have been going. Tonight I went down and laid down another track. It was one of our shorter pieces. I got a preeeety solid take =P. Can't wait to hear what the final product sounds like!

Also in the works is something that I think a lot of you will really get a kick out of. Let me put it this way, I can't talk about it yet, but when I finally break the news I think a LOT of people are def going to be interested!

I'll keep you posted,


Sunday, December 03, 2006

Actually accomplished something recording

And it feels great! For the first time yet, we (meaning me) actually got a good take! It is for one of my favorite songs by us, so I am pretty excited about it.

It is a fast, semi-technical piece called, "Bloodsick." Basically, it is a song about vampires, but not in the cheesy, Hollywood-influenced, romanticized "Interview with the Vampire" style. More of a sinister, somber look at life as a vampire. The BPM (beats per minute) was set at 190, so it really wasn't that difficult or chops-intensive. I was satisifed with the take I got, even though I made a few minor errors on a couple of fills. This is only a demo, and I stuck all the "1's" so that is all that really matters.

Once we get some guitar, bass, and vox on it, I will def put it up on my music website.

Until next time,

Tom V

Here is a short post I made for all you other drummers out there, this is one of those classic rock songs everyone should know

Friday, December 01, 2006

Go to your local CD store and... an album that you have never heard of before, in a genre of music you never listen to. Huh? Yeah, you heard me right - get out of your comfort zone!

I think this is a good way to broaden your horizons. All too often I see people listening to one style of music, never branching out. While this may not seem like a terrible thing, for a musician, it can be the kiss of death.

Let me give you an example. Let's say you are the drummer for a rock band with a serious funky edge. Well, there may be a point where you find yourself getting a little stale. Maybe you didn't even notice yourself, but had another band member point it out to you. Well, listening to another drummer who plays a very different style could be just the thing you need to get out of your funk (pun intended).

Go buy a salsa CD - you might be pleasantly surprised at it. Or maybe go buy a smooth jazz album - you might be able to cop a sweet lick off their drummer, something you never would have heard had you not diversified your musical tastes.

Now you might not like the CD, you might think it is total garbage. But one thing is for sure - you will certainly gain something from it, even if you learn something NOT to do.

Try it out - you never know, you might find yourself going in a different direction musically than you ever could have imagined!
